Queville v11.0, Land of the Dragon Basher Quintrix and Crew Software Released as Creative Commons BY-NC, where 'non-commercial' includes games created meaning games cannot have money, coins, bank notes, credits, or any other economic system. See license.txt for full credits. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/ Step 1: unzip the '11-dragon' directory as a sub-directory of your cgi-bin directory. Step 2: CHMOD the files "11-dragon.cgi" and "11-sysop.cgi" to give them execute permissions. Step 3: Unzip the "11-gfx.zip" file into your public_html folder Step 4: edit config settings in the file "11-config.pl". The $datadir should be below your public_html directory; if it does not exist, the script will attempt to create it and CHMOD it to 777 for write access. Step 5: load the 11-sysop.cgi script into your web browser to install a demo server. After the install, click the "login" link to login to your server. You can install as many servers as your hardware allows by running the 11-sysop.cgi script again and giving the new server a unique name.